When Do You Need an Oil Change?

When Do You Need an Oil Change?

When Is It Time for an INFINITI Oil Change?

Lupient INFINITI: Your INFINITI Oil Change Stop

Need oil change maintenance in your vehicle now? We’re here to help, as we cover virtually all your fluid change needs when the time arises. But is there a trick to knowing when you need an oil change? And moreover, what type of oil does your luxury cruiser need? Stick with us today as we cover all the basics of an INFINITI oil change. Also, schedule your oil change service at Lupient INFINITI in Minneapolis, MN, and help your vehicle drive with peak exhilaration.

Synthetic Vs. Conventional Oil: What Does Your Ride Need?

First things first—when it comes to oil change needs, you’ll need the right style of fluid for your ride. However, with an INFINITI model, this choice is easy, as you’ll always fill up with a fully synthetic blend to meet the ultra-luxurious and smooth cruising style only an INFINITI vehicle can offer. In short, a synthetic blend usually contains a higher viscosity grade with more heat and oxidation resistance compared to a conventional blend. So, for you, this means you’ll reach action-packed speeds in your Q50 or ride for countless miles in your QX60 with minimal worries of your vehicle overheating. In fact, because many INFINITI models work with a turbocharged motor, the exhaust gasses go back into your turbo, which creates such high temperatures when you rev up that only a synthetic oil is reliable for helping your fine vehicle run in premium condition.

By comparison, conventional oil works in some vehicles for helping them travel from point A to point B. However, if you crave performance or want to prolong your engine life as long as possible, these fluids won’t do the job nearly as well as a fully synthetic blend.

Is There a Trick to Knowing You Need an Oil Change?

As a rule of thumb, you’ll want to schedule an oil change for your INFINITI car or SUV every 7,500 miles to 10,000 miles depending on your driving habits. But what if you don’t drive often? Then, at the very least, schedule an oil change once a year since your fluids can leak and the ultra-brisk winter and autumn temperatures near Golden Valley, MN, can alter the chemical compositions in your oil, which can damage your motor parts if it’s not replaced.

Schedule Your Oil Change Today: The Secret to Smooth Drives

Ready to unleash your INFINITI car or SUV’s full potential? Schedule your oil change today at Lupient INFINITI near Minnetonka, MN, your local INFINITI service center. Keep in mind our team puts your needs first, whether you want to know more about INFINITI oil filter care or you’re curious about when you should schedule your next oil change—it’s only getting started with how we assist you.